10 February 2011

Caffeine Headache... What?

I knew this day would come, I just didn't expect it to arrive so soon - the day I decide to take a break from caffeine and see what my body thinks. See, I've recently started a cleanse, Clean, and the top two no-nos are caffeine and alcohol... along with dairy, wheat, gluten, packaged foods, and most anything else that was in my normal diet. I am on my 8th day and have been journaling each day. I cut caffeine out a couple days prior to the start of the cleanse and was recently reading my journals from that day. I thought "this is good stuff," and decided to share it on Traveling for Coffee. I'd like to take the next few days to share my first few days of being caffeine and coffee free. Read on...
"January 29 - Today was the first day I cut caffeine out of my diet. Well, I had one cup of green tea, but that hardly counts. It is crazy the small effects that no coffee has on me. Naturally, I had a dull headache, my entire head felt heavy and my jaw hurt. As the day went on, I just felt sleepy and wanted to go back to sleep. I also felt annoyed and tired out from doing normal things. I was trying to explain something to my mom but it felt too difficult to explain (too taxing on my brain) so I just said ‘never mind.’ I had to grocery shop and that took forever. I couldn’t quite focus. I ended up buying chicken soup because I felt like I was under the weather, and needed to curl up with soup and watch a movie. I had to keep reminding myself that I was not sick, these were merely the effects of my body being deprived of caffeine. Dang it was crazy! I did notice, however, that having a beer removed the effects of the caffeine... until the beer wore off, then it was worse all around! Glad I cut out caffeine before the actual start date of my cleanse, otherwise it would be twice as hard! We'll see what tomorrow brings."
So there you have it, my first day sans coffee in quite some time. I mean I've gone until mid-day without coffee, but I honestly cannot remember the last time I went a day or more without it. That is unbelievable! I mean, after the first few days, I can see why. My life has always had a coffee focus. Now I sit here in my kitchen looking at my unused espresso machine and empty coffee pot. I'll go to work and say "no thanks" when my co-workers tell me they are headed to the coffee shop, and do I want anything. This is certainly a money saver. I was up to hitting Windy Saddle twice (or three times) a week and Cafe 13 once a week - that was in addition to buying almost a pound of coffee each week. Tune in for the next few days to hear about my caffeine-free adventures!


  1. It's hard to imagine a coffee lover such as yourself, going on this journey. Kind of like when Ian gave up meat back in the day! Keep us "posted"!
