22 January 2010


Alas, I am here in the city of angels, Los Angeles. I have an internship on Sunset Blvd, and a 90's real estate agent style gold Acura and a nice apartment in "The Valley" (a-hem, I mean "North Hollywood"). Life is grand, or rather, life if grande. If only I could remember what LA looks like when it is sunny. I've come to LA during a week of rain; reportedly the most rain they have had since 2005. Well thank you weather.com. Anyway, the rain will go away, and I will once again feel the desire to leave our fireplace and explore the city.

One thing that stands out about LA is the abundance of coffee shops. Everywhere I turn, I see a coffee shop and think "oh, I should go there," this is only after 1 week here. I am so excited to explore the LA coffee culture. I have tried on a few for size, and think I found my perfect fit. Sit tight, I shall reveal this place to you in my next post.