15 April 2009

Cafe Fixe, Washington Square, Brookline

Cafe Fixe makes a mean espresso. This place is super modern with clean lines and muted colors. It is small and intimate. Most of the chairs are at high tables for 2-3 people. It is a great place to go for a quite morning or afternoon with a friend, to read a book or paper, or to have a meeting. I wouldn't recommend taking a large group who wants to linger or be loud (there are plenty of other coffee shops listed on my blog that allow for that). I also don't recommend going if you are a speciality drink-a-holic; keep it simple with an americano, a double espresso, or a cappuccino and I promise you won't be disappointed.

The owner is nice but pretty stone-faced. I think he puts his energy into making drinks rather than chatting up customers. I had a blast watching him make his espresso drinks. It is an art and a science, and his technique is near perfect. Sitting in the quiet coffee shop, you can hear him "tap, tap, tap" the steamed milk until he gets it just how he (and the customer) wants it. If you are with a couple of other people, you can order a french press pot and enjoy fresh coffee together. 

Cafe Fixe does take credit cards but the owner made it pretty clear that cash is preferred. It is easy to get there via the Green C line, but Marielle and I chose to take the B line (where we live) outbound to Washington Street then walk over to Washington Square. On a nice day it is a pleasant walk through the residential area of Brookline, so give it a try!

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